Take 5 !
Allow your students to refocus and energize their brains for the next lesson or even a test.
Before this creation, I kept a notebook of different games, exercises, and misc. brain breaks. I finally took the time to create something that'll be perfect for my classroom, that is cute and easily accessible. These are about 40 of my favorite energizers I like to use in the classroom.
These are great to use anytime your students are feeling restless and are struggling to pay attention. The exercises will only take a few minutes, and then you can get back to the lesson with your students ready to focus on the lesson at hand.
Physical movement increases oxygen in the brain and leads to improved concentration. Brain breaks can be used to energize a group after lunch or relax and calm a class at the end of the day. Well developed breaks can help students stretch, develop flexibility, improve coordination, be ready for the next lesson, and incorporate core academic concepts.
Super Brain exercises allow children to access portions of their brains that usually lay dormant through movement-based activities, enhancing overall mental abilities.
I have broken these exercises down into 4 categories:
Purple ~ Stretch Mind/Body (some yoga poses)
Green ~ Wake-Up Mind/Body (physical activities)
Pink ~Fun Brain Breaks(some fun physical/games)
Blue ~ Calm Down Mind/Body(breathing exercises/left-right brain movement based)
With any of these activities you can incorporate academic concepts. Instead of counting by ones, try skip counting by 2s, 5s, or tens. You can even spell words!
*There are 40 round cards. I also made some posters as reference. Detailed instructions for each exercise included as well*
See picture below as a reference. First, Cut out and laminate logo circle to put on your cup or container. Second, cut out exercise circles, laminate, and glue on popsicle sticks. You can also laminate the poster and hang on your wall. Next, copy the How-To pages and place in a folder to keep near your cup of exercises as a reference. Last, take 5-10 mins and try these out with your kiddos before the next lesson or test. Enjoy!
Place in a cute container
Here is my daughter, Hannah, posing for some of the Stretch ~Mind and Body~ Exercises :
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THanks! Much Love!
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